Sponsor a Prayer Fields marked with * are required. Please fill out this form. We will contact you shortly to discuss the details.:Name*Email* Institution / Organization / Company Name*PhoneWhich prayers would you like to sponsor? Prayer Translation into another language Full in-house Shabbat service Full Shabbat service in -Temple Passover Seder Yom Kippur service 52 Parashot Complete Bat/Bar Mitzvah Service Kaddish Prayer Translation into another language Lighting the Candles (Hadlakat Nerot) The Blessing Over The Bread (Hamotzi) Kiddush Blessing the Children - Boys Blessing the Children - Girls Aleinu Barchu Ma Tovu Mikamocha Mode Ani Shalom Aleichem Talit Blessing Kaddish (Prayers for Souls of the Dead) Hatikva (Israel National Anthem Torah Blessing - Before Opening Ark Torah Blessing - After Opening Ark Get Well Prayer Other Full Shabbat service in -Temple Aleinu Barchu Ma Tovu Mikamocha Mode Ani Shalom Aleichem Talit Blessing Passover Seder Matzoh Maror Ma Nishtana (The Four Questions) Thanks For Allowing Me To Reach This Moment Yom Kippur Service Kol Nidre Al Chet Yizkor Complete Bat/Bar Mitzvah Service Torah Blessing Before Torah Blessing After Haftorah Before (For Girls) Haftorah After (For Boys) Complete Bat/Bar Mitzvah Service and Haftorahs Individual Bat/Bar Mitzvah Service and Haftorahs Comment/Question*NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ