IDF Beneficiary, Sderot Media Center, Gives Firsthand accounts of rocket attacks

IDF Beneficiary, Sderot Media Center, Gives Firsthand accounts of rocket attacks

Sderot Media Center, one of the Internet Development Fund’s beneficiaries, is dedicated to the mission of: Provid[ing] Israeli and international news media with on-site film footage and reporting of the kassam rocket attacks and their psychological effects upon Sderot residents. In so doing, they hope to spur international and local involvement with the community of Sderot, both on a financial and social scale, in…

Meet the Internet Development Fund at JFN 2014 in Miami

The Internet Development Fund is proud to announce that for the first time, our founders and executives will be attending their first ever Jewish Funders Network Conference from March 9, 2014 – March 11, 2014 in Miami, FL. Our attendance is in line with our mission to offer the best services and consulting to our beneficiaries. In addition, we are…